Levi Strauss & Co Corporate Headquarters, Office Address, Phone Number, Email ID

Levi Strauss & Co Corporate Headquarters is located in San Francisco, California, United States. With the Levi Strauss & Co customer service office or head office address, here we are sharing customer support number of Levi Strauss & Co, and Levi Strauss & Co mailing, postal address, telephone, fax number, official web page and related details.

The corporate head office address of Levi Strauss & Co or headquarters (HQ) location of Levi Strauss & Co is given with the Levi Strauss & Co helpline office contact number, email id, and customer service phone number of Levi Strauss & Co and other details to connect you with Levi Strauss & Co service headquarters.

Other than Levi Strauss & Co customer service number or toll free helpline of Levi Strauss & Co, mailing and postal office address of Levi Strauss & Co with official website and other important details can be found below. If you are looking how to contact with Levi Strauss & Co corporate headquarters office and customer service department, so you can use the below details to connect them for information, registering a complaint, career and job opportunities, give your review or suggestions.

Levi Strauss & Co Corporate Head Office Contact Details

The customer’s wish to contact Levi Strauss & Co corporate office for any business query or information can contact them using the contact details of Levi Strauss & Co corporate headquarters. The customers can also contact Levi Strauss & Co customer service phone number for sharing any issues they are having or in case of having any enquiry.

Levi Strauss & Co Customer Service Helpline Number:

For any help, support, information, queries, suggestions, complaints regarding Levi Strauss & Co products and services, the customers can contact to Levi Strauss & Co customer care service numbers, registered offices address, and contact numbers.

  • +1-(415)-501-6000, +1-(415)-501-7777 – customer support phone number of Levi Strauss & Co
  • Click here – customer support email address of Levi Strauss & Co

Levi Strauss & Co Corporate Headquarters Location:

  • Address: Levi Strauss & Co, 1155 Battery Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States
  • Telephone Number: +1-(415)-501-6000, +1-(415)-501-7777
  • Fax Number: +1-(415)-501-7112
  • Email Address: newsmediarequests@levi.com, LeviMediaInquiries@levi.com, DockersMediaInquries@levi.com, DenizenMedia@levi.com, SignatureMedia@levi.com

Levi Strauss & Co Official Website: www.levistrauss.com

The website mentioned above is the official web page of Levi Strauss & Co. The customers want to know more about Levi Strauss & Co company profile and history or the customers want to know the source of the information shared in this page can visit this website anytime.

Levi Strauss & Co Social Profiles:

Levi Strauss & Co Important Links:

The information on contactphonenumberaddress.com has been compiled from many sources. Contactphonenumberaddress.com is not affiliated with any of the companies, persons, brands and organizations. The all information and article is intended to be information only.


Add a Comment
  1. As a responsible gun owner, I do respect your decision to not allow guns in your establishments, Due to the current state of affairs in our country i believe it essential for gun owners to carry their legal guns with them at all times. I hope that you respect my decision not to shop at your establishment in the future.

    1. I also will no longer buy any Levi Strauss product due to their anti second amendment stance. Goodbye.

  2. just an idea. make levis with a little extra pad in rear for buttless people

  3. With your corporate decision to attack the second amendment and the rights of legal gun owners, I will no longer buy any Levi products. Goodbye Levis. Hello Wrangler brand.

  4. I’m a legal firearm owner who will no longer buy your brand. You have your right and i’ll continue to follow mine and the constitution.

  5. I too am done with Levi’s and will never buy another pair and I’ve worn them for over 40 years. A company that is now Anti-2nd Amendment that used to be an icon for our great western heritage and freedom. I cut ties with Bank of America for the same reason. What a bunch of traitors to the Bill of Rights these companies are.

  6. I have previously purchased 517 Levi’s approximately two years ago- 3 blue and 1 black size 42 waste x 30 length. Only one pair of the blue fits properly. They are very irregular in size and the other 3 pair are too small. Can you replace these. The permanent crease is OK on these.

    3 days ago I ordered 3 pair from J C Penney – Size 44 waste x 30 length. The waste is OK, however they have no permeant crease and are approx. 5 inches too long. What do I do. One of your local stores who sell 517’s said this is normal for Levi’s and they recommended I order Arizona brand from Penney’s Your store does not carry them, but advised they are much better.

    What can you do. I was going to call the Better Business Bureau for you corporate office after reading the results that other people had…You are rated very poor. I have left 5 messages with your office with no return call.


  7. I am 65 years old and have worn Levi’s since I started walking(parents told me) when I would get a new pair of Levi’s many years ago the material was so heavy and stiff you couldn’t wait to get them broke-in. I can even live with the loss of quality over the years and the prices shot to the moon.But I can no longer buy Levi’s being a gun owner, knowing your anti-gun platform you have adopted, besides wranglers are way cheaper and actually fit better also ! So far I have quit doing business with 8 large corporations because of their anti-gun BS and have moved on to other brands. Hope you loose like dicks sporting goods and others !

  8. How do I reach some one in the Levi Corporation regarding a problem that I am having with your sh

  9. I too am a legal and responsible gun owner. I was a firearms instructor for 13 years and a competitive shooter for as many years. I have been wearing Levi’s for over 50 of my 57 years. Although I respect your opinion on firearms, it is yours and not mine. I will no longer buy your products and the products I still have of yours will be donated to a shelter. I will suggest this to my colleagues at our gun club as well. The second amendment is something I feel very strongly about and will not back down.

  10. What about the rights of the innocent people murdered every year by “legal responsible gun owners”? Looks like they aren’t going to shop at Levi stores either.

  11. Gentlemen… this is not a complaint, only an observation on my part. I own several pairs of 501’s and have always purchased Levis since the 1960’s. You may be aware of this already, but I will mention it anyway. As I was tucking in my shirt with my left had, I received a 1/4′ cut on the back of my hand as I brushed up against the back of the button fly rivet. This has never happened before in my fifty years of wearing Levi Jeans. Just F.Y.I.

  12. “Get Woke
    Go Broke!”

    You have to understand that over half of your customers are probably Conservatives and many Christians. Your attitude toward anything but the Democratic Socialists is super bad. So I have bought Levis for years and years. I will no longer do that.

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