Johnny Rockets Corporate Headquarters, Office Address, Phone Number, Email ID

Johnny Rockets Corporate Headquarters is located in Lake Forest, California, United States. With the Johnny Rockets customer service office or head office address, here we are sharing customer support number of Johnny Rockets, and Johnny Rockets mailing, postal address, telephone, fax number, official web page and related details.

The corporate head office address of Johnny Rockets or headquarters (HQ) location of Johnny Rockets is given with the Johnny Rockets helpline office contact number, email id, and customer service phone number of Johnny Rockets and other details to connect you with Johnny Rockets corporate headquarters.

Other than Johnny Rockets customer service number or toll free helpline of Johnny Rockets, mailing and postal office address of Johnny Rockets with official website and other important details can be found below. If you are looking how to contact with Johnny Rockets corporate headquarters office and customer service department, so you can use the below details to connect them for information, registering a complaint, career and job opportunities, give your review or suggestions.

Johnny Rockets Corporate Head Office Contact Details

The customer’s wish to contact Johnny Rockets corporate office for any business query or information can contact them using the contact details of Johnny Rockets corporate headquarters. The customers can also contact Johnny Rockets customer service phone number for sharing any issues they are having or in case of having any enquiry.

Johnny Rockets Customer Service Helpline Number:

For any help, support, information, queries, suggestions, complaints regarding Johnny Rockets products and services, the customers can contact to Johnny Rockets customer care service numbers, registered offices address, and contact numbers.

  • +1-(949)-643-6100, +1-(888)-856-4669– customer support phone number of Johnny Rockets
  • Click here – customer support email address of Johnny Rockets

Johnny Rockets Corporate Headquarters Location:

  • Address: Johnny Rockets, 2 South Pointe Drive, Suite 200, Lake Forest, CA 92630, United States
  • Telephone Number: +1-(949)-643-6100, +1-(888)-856-4669
  • Fax Number: +1-(866)-209-9523
  • Email Address: NA

Johnny Rockets Official Website:

The website mentioned above is the official web page of Johnny Rockets. The customers want to know more about Johnny Rockets company profile and history or the customers want to know the source of the information shared in this page can visit this website anytime.

Johnny Rockets Social Profiles:

Johnny Rockets Important Links:

The information on has been compiled from many sources. is not affiliated with any of the companies, persons, brands and organizations. The all information and article is intended to be information only.


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  1. I been working for the company going a year in March and I love my job but where I’m located at is unfair and the manager’s talk smart to customer’s and also me in and the other employees we don’t get breaks at all and also they only give me 5hrs a week but now I don’t have any at all and when I ask they say the labor to high but always hiring people and the GM seems like he don’t like me at all Im beyond stressed out I can’t even pay rent or feed my family cuz I don’t have any hours my rental wants a note from my job saying I don’t get hour’s but nobody tryna give me one at work and also we don’t have meetings at all I mean st all it’s at what Georgetown Johnny Rockets they are very unprofessional.

  2. Talk about unprofessional, try experiencing the customer service at the Cancun airport!!!
    Ordered my sandwich and a chocolate shake, had to explain it 3 times, and guess what, 22 minutes later I get a sandwich but not how I ordered it! Complete zoo and poorly managed. When you pay $10 for a cheeseburger get it right folks. So frustrating.

  3. My wife and I have eaten at Johnny Rockets for years, but, I’m afraid that this will not occur ever again. I was mailed a card from your corporate headquarters that has the heading, Be Our Guest. I would assume that you would extend every courtesy to a guest. Not only were we not treated as guests should be, the Manager (Marvin [He refused to give his last name]) was discourteous/rude. Th card that I presented, which has your official logo printed on it, reads, “Receive any single any burger, American fries, and a soda pop.” It, also, states, “Good only at our Freeport, ME, and Maine Mall locations.” I was about to order a burger for myself, and my wife, but Marvin, after carefully checking the card said the card, said, “We can’t take this card. We’re not involved in this promotion.” I replied, “This has nothing to do with a promotion.” I told him that I would take it up with management.” A surely reply from Marvin: “I’m the management.” Too bad that Marvin does not have a clue as to how to manage. I know that good help is hard to find . Good help Marvin is not

    Rev. Edward Balfour

  4. Horrible service at the Flamingo Food Court location.
    Not only did I stand there waiting over 40 minutes for my burger & chocolate shake (the burge with the bbq sauce) but ONLY received anything at all was because I went up and inquired as to where my food was!!
    Now I FINALLY get the food after waiting close now to an hour BUT, oh yes there is more……….
    I get changed up in my room and settle down to eat my burger and have my shake
    only to find out I HAVE THE WRONG BURGER!!!!
    This is the burger with mustard(yuck), relish(yuck), lettuce and tomato!!!!
    $3.00 less and NOT what I ordered………….I threw it out and went to bed.

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