Punjabi Actor Harish Verma

Punjabi Actor Harish Verma contact number, house address, mobile number, biography, email ID, website and other contact information is share here with the resident or house address. The users can also get here the useful details related to Harish Verma contact address, phone number including Harish Verma Events, shows, movies, updates, wallpapers, personal photos, status, tweets, etc.

Punjabi Actor Harish Verma is a most popular actor in Punjabi film cinema. The birth place of Harish Verma (who was born on 11 October 1982) is Ropar, Punjab, India.

Harish Verma is also considered as a singer and actor. In 2000, Harish Verma had started his career as a actor in Tv Serial Na ana is des laado. In 2009 he played a negetive hero in his Punjabi movie “Panjaban” for which he was nominated as the Best actor in negative role in his first PT Film Awards 2010 which was very great achievement for him. He made his acting debut in superhit Punjabi Film Yaar Anmulle in 2011. Harish Verma achieved popularity from his superhit films “Yaar Anmulle” and “Daddy Cool Munde Fool” released in 2011 & 2013.

Punjabi Actor Harish Verma Contact Address and Details

Here, we are sharing the full contact details of Superstar Harish Verma including Punjabi Actor Harish Verma house address with Actor Harish Verma Facebook and Twitter Page. You can check below:

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Actor Harish Verma House and Resident Address:

Harish Verma House Address – Chandigarh, India

Personal Information of Harish Verma :

Harish Verma Date of Birth: 11 October 1982

Harish Verma Birth Place: Ropar Punjab, India

Harish Verma Occupation: Actor

Harish Verma Years Active: 1999–present

Harish Verma Awards: Best Actor, Best Actor Critic Award 2012

Official Social Page Links of Harish Verma :

Harish Verma Facebook Page Links: www.facebook.com/HarishVermaOnline

Harish Verma Twitter Page Links: www.twitter.com/harishverma_

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